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usb boot, 0xc0, RSEG, SEGMENT if ((WORD)&DeviceDscr & 0xC000) fx2 datasheetDuring the power-up sequence, internal logic checks the I2Cport for the connection of an EEPROM whose first byte iseither 0xC0 or 0xC2. If found, it uses the VID/PID/DID valuesin the EEPROM in place of the internally stored values (0xC0),or it boot-loads the EEPROM contents into internal RAM(0xC2). If no EEPROM is detected, FX2LP enumerates usinginter.. 2012. 9. 27.
db Cx51 Compiler User's Guide Keil Software ReferenceThe remainder of this chapter describes each of the available Cx51 compilercontrol directives listed in alphabetical order. They are divided into thefollowing sections: Abbreviation: Gives any abbreviations that may be substituted for thedirective name. Arguments: Describes and lists optional and required directivearguments. Default: Shows the directive’s default setting. μVision2 Contr.. 2012. 9. 27.
DWORD and WORD WORD is 16-bit unsigned integer and DWORD is 32-bit unsigned integer. You use DWORD type instead of unsigned int is because it is guaranteed the same size on different machines. Also note that an "int" isn't neccessarily 32bits in size. "int" will be sized according to the default register size of the target CPU/platform. When you compile for DOS/Win16, 'int' is 16bits. For the opcoming Intel It.. 2012. 9. 27.
glue logic psen, read signal g A standard 22v10 GAL provides general purpose “glue logic” on the board. In electronics, glue logic is the custom logic circuitry used to interface a number of off-the-shelf integrated circuits.This is often achieved using ordinary (cheap) 7400- or 4000-series components. In more complex cases, programmable logic devices like a CPLD or FPGA might be used. The falling price of programmable logi.. 2012. 9. 26.