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[ABC뉴스]South Korean Filibuster Against Anti-Terror Bill in 5th Day South Korean Filibuster Against Anti-Terror Bill in 5th DayBy KIM TONG-HYUNG, ASSOCIATED PRESS SEOUL, South Korea ? Feb 27, 2016, 5:58 AM ETABC뉴스 South Korea's opposition lawmakers on Saturday continued their nonstop speeches for a fifth straight day in parliament to block a vote on a government-backed anti-terrorism bill that they say would threaten personal freedoms and privacy if passed into .. 2016. 2. 28.
South Korea Parliament Ratifies Free Trade Pact With China SEOUL—South Korea's parliament on Monday approved a free trade pact with China after opposition lawmakers secured a $1.4 billion relief package for farmers. The ratification, which comes five months after the trade pact was signed, paves way for the deal with South Korea's largest export market to take effect this year. South Korea already has trade deals with the European Union and United State.. 2015. 11. 30.
[NYT신문] 대통령 축출을 요구하면서, 몇만명이 행진하다. 2015년11월14일에 일어났던 광화문 시위에 대한 기사. 국정화교과서가 방아쇠 역할을 해서 그런지 국정화에 대한 내용이 기사의 대부분이지만 실제로 시위한 사람들이 이유는 다 다르다. 국내산 쌀가격이나 양극화 노동악법. Tens of Thousands March in Seoul, Calling for Ouster of PresidentBy CHOE SANG-HUNNOV. 14, 2015 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/15/world/asia/antigovernment-protest-seoul-south-korea.html?_r=0 SEOUL, South Korea — The police on Saturday fired water cannons and tear gas at thou.. 2015. 11. 17.
[FT신문] 한국이 카카오톡을 목표로 하면서 (한국의) 자유가 우려스러워지고있다. 이삼일에 한번씩 내가 읽는 영자신문을 블로그에 링크만 올릴 생각. 카카오대표가 검찰에 기소된 내용이다. 기소된 내용이 웃긴게 다른 메시지 어플,통신사,포탈 사장들은 이걸로 기소가 안됐다. ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 헬조선에서는 권력자에게 무릎꿇는게 상수인가 보다. 서민 출신 대통령에게만 변수 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ Freedom fears as South Korea targets chat app chiefSimon Mundy in SeoulNovember 17, 2015 3:41 am http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/4ae3cca6-8867-11e5-8a12-b0ce506400af.html#axzz3rkvIpTx2 When President Park Geun-hye came to power p.. 2015. 11. 17.